June 27, 2008

Circle Versus Square!

On the right you will find a link called Circle Versus Square, my new favourite comic strip. Check it out, it's very funny.

All hail King Pentagon!

June 24, 2008


The economic situation of the world is in dire need of a change. Currency should be, in short, removed from all society. Burn the money. Now.

It was a bad idea to begin with, but now it has gotten ridiculous. Today's currency is a mixture of paper money and electronic pulse batted back and forth between computers. Someones complete economic class depends upon a series of fictional ones and zeroes.

Let us be clear on the following points: money is the largest difference between people. The amount you have determines your entire life. This is the only purpose of currency; to divide people into different economic classes. The situation gets out of hand in cases like the infamous stock market crash, where everyone was poor and starving due to a matter of mathematics. The system is flawed when a few get everything, and the rest get nothing. There is no logical purpose for money. It's only function is to harm society.

Is it too much to ask for people to go to work, do their job, and have free housing, free food, provided by people who in turn get what they want and need for free? What is stopping us from cooperating to this extent?

You may think this is insane, but isn't it insane to have 80% of the population having 20% of the world's wealth? I'm not the crazy one.

June 17, 2008


Normality should not be a goal for the human race. What is generally meant by normal is average. Thus, someone who is normal would be average in all ways. None of us fit this description. We are all freaks. End of story.

We all pursue this concept of normality. All of us want to be normal. And before you think to yourself "Not me! I'm an individualist!", I have no doubt that you are, but you still want to be normal. Deep down, we all have this instinct. Not that it's a completely bad thing, occasionally we do have to conform and give up our interests for the good of the group. However, very few of us give up for the group nowadays, and we are obsessed with appearing absolutely ordinary. Why? Be honest, do you really like the standard to which you hold yourself? Of course not. If you are normal, than you have no life. All great artists were weird. Don't you think they're on to something? Be freaky.

Here's something I bet you didn't realize, strange people are liked. Really, don't you have a good friend who's a little on the off side? These are the people that are really envied, that you really want to be like. These are the people that shine. Maybe they make you shine for a little bit, then they go away and you reassume your 'normal shell'. Why do you do that? What are you afraid of? What do you have to lose? Weird out!

"Do not look at the faces in the illustrated papers. Look at the faces in the street." -G.K. Chesterton

June 16, 2008

The Fantastic Adventures of the Autie Team!

Part II: ASpieboy meets The Stim Kid!

ASpieboy accompanies his Mom on a social mission to allow his Mom Coffee Time with her friend, the Stim Kid’s Mom. The women stay in the kitchen to chat while Aspieboy follows The Stim Kid to his bedroom.

The Stim Kid’s latest form of entertainment consists of putting his story tapes on fast forward and listening to the voices and sound effects on high speed. ASpieboy listens intently, laughing uproariously at the distorted sounds and is oblivious to The Stim Kid’s rocking and flapping.

Suddenly he is aware of another sound close to his ear, a high pitch whine that is not part of Stim Kid’s continuous happy noises. He moves his hand toward his ear in time to see a mosquito fly away from his head.

DISASTER!!!!! A mosquito – THE WORST POSSIBLE HORROR IMAGINABLE!! He fills his lungs to scream and prepares to run from the room in terror, when he catches sight of Stim Kid, who has stopped rocking and flapping.

He quickly remembers the foolproof technique his Mom taught him. He takes several deep breaths and says to himself: “This is not the end of the world, this is not the end of the world. I am ASpieboy, I shall overcome, I can do this, I can do this…”
The story tape is forgotten as Stim Kid begins a low humming and starts finger-flicking. ASpieboy watches Stim Kid’s eyes and realizes that his friend is following the intricate path of the stealthy insect.

Without a word spoken, the two boys circle the room, Stim Kid never taking his eyes off the mosquito and ASpieboy never taking his eyes off Stim Kid. As long as Stim Kid is humming and moving, ASpieboy knows he has the mosquito in sight. Suddenly, The Stim Kid stops and stares at the wall. ASpieboy follows his friend’s gaze to a spot on the wall that he realizes is no ordinary spot!

He quickly picks up one of his take-everywhere books and smashes it against the wall, killing the despicable creature instantly. Stim Kid blinks and moves back to his tape player, rewinding and beginning again. ASpieboy thanks his friend for using his incredible fixation powers and brings the book to his Mom to be wiped clean.

ASpieboy explains the crisis that was recently averted and the two Moms praise the boys’ skills and cooperation. They send ASpieboy back to the bedroom with two bowls of potato chips.

But they don’t do it for the appreciation, or the yummy treats. They do it because they can. They are successful. They are triumphant. They are ASpieboy and The Stim Kid. They are the AUTIE TEAM!

(cue theme music)

June 15, 2008

The Fantastic Adventures of the Autie Team!

Part I: The amazing adventures of ASpieboy!

ASpieboy is invited out to a friend’s house for dinner. He is nervous, but his Mom advises him to try new things. She drops him off at his friend’s home and they play Legos for a while. Everything is going well, since his friend is ADD and quite content to talk in non-sequitors – or simply play in silence. ASpieboy relaxes and begins to enjoy himself and they are called to dinner. He knows his mother advised his friend’s mom on what was allowed on his GF/CF diet and he sits down knowing he will be able to eat most, if not all of what is put in front of him. But,

HORRORS!!!! When the plate is put in front of him, THE FOOD IS TOUCHING!!! The peas are rolling wildly into the corn!! The mashed potatoes are indistinguishable from the turnip!! And both are covering part of the meat!! Oh no!!!!!! How will he overcome this tragic turn of events and save the friendly atmosphere of dinner?

He first calms himself by tensing all his muscles and then relaxing them. He takes three deep breaths and recites in his mind, “I am ASpieboy, I shall overcome, I can do this, I can do this…”

Using his amazing powers of organization and ability to line up objects, he corrals the peas with his fork, driving them into the side of his plate. The corn now stands alone. Picking up his knife, he now scoops the mashed potatoes mess away from the meat. Realizing that the turnips and the potatoes are irrevocably intertwined, he takes another deep breath and mashes both together with his fork. This creates a homogenous mixture that cannot be identified or classified as either potato or turnip. Thus, muttering under his breath to congratulate himself on averting another catastrophe, he begins to eat.

Remembering to thank his friend and friend’s mom for a great dinner and fun visit, he is picked up by his Mom and whisked off to the safety and security of Home. Where the food never touches. He tells Mom of his narrow escape and she rewards him with lavish praise and computer time.

But he doesn’t do it for the rewards, or the praise. He does it because he can. He is triumphant. He is successful. He is ASpieboy.

(Cue theme music)

June 14, 2008

ASpieboy has arrived!

Wait, what's ASpieboy mean? Well, an aspie is someone who has AS, or asperger's syndrome. Whoa, hold on! Was that Asperger's syndrome? As in, Autism? Yes, I am an autistic. But before you whip out your puzzle ribbon and start drooling with pity, remember, Autism isn't that bad!!! In fact, I am proud to be autistic.

Wow. Brain shock. Here's something you probably didn't know, everyone with Autism detests the organizations like Autism Speaks and others that try to 'cure' us. In case you didn't get that, let me say it again: NO AUTISTICS WANT TO BE CURED!!! We also don't like being called a plague, a tragedy, and all we want is for people to treat us like people. Still not convinced? Go to some of the autistic links on the right for more info.

OK, now that that's over with...

As said in my about me section (again, found on the right), I will talk about whatever pops into my head while sitting here. I have some pretty good ideas as to how to make the world a better place, but the posts won't all be serious. Of course, they won't all be funny either. Laugh at what I say, but listen to what I say as well.

I will now take the time to further introduce myself with what I am already (somewhat) known for. I am on another (poorly maintained) blog which can be found here http://www.tricapd.blogspot.com/. Also there are YouTube videos of me and my sister performing soloes from last year as well (Autistic Pride dancers, find here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDPgIWFayQU and here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgIcr3Jhk9E). Also, I am the co-writer of the Autie Team series of which the first two installments I shall post later.

But don't worry, I'm not all about Autism. I am also an avid fan of Michael Crichton and G.K. Chesterton, although I have yet to buy one of his books yet. You name it, it will be found here eventually.
